Hi everyone,
As is so often the case, it's been a little too long since my last blog, although I'm almost certain that you've had plenty of other things going on with which to occupy your time!
Nevertheless, it means that there are several things to update you with, so I'll cut straight to the chase:
Firstly, as you can see from the banner at the top of this message, I have some Autumn gigs coming up to which you are all invited. Tomorrow's at Caps Off Brewery is a covers kinda thing, and should be a blast, but all the others will be original-material affairs; consisting of the familiar, the (much) less familiar, and the brand, spanking new! Details of each event can be found on the Event Page, of course, where there are also ticket links, where applicable. Please take a look and come along and join me if you're able.
In addition to the above, you may also have heard that I am about to publish a book containing the lyrics to 30+ songs of mine in poetry form. I selected the songs from across all my releases (and beyond) and each piece is accompanied by specially written notes. I'm very happy with how it's turned out and I hope you'll like it too. It will be available on the merch stand at all shows from the 26th onward, and if you aren't able to get along to any of these dates, it's available to order now from the Shop. Titled Stolen Bouquets, you can find out more about it here. If you're a Patreon subscriber, you'll be able to get a copy ahead of publication, along with offers exclusive to each subscription tier. If you're not yet a subscriber and would be interested in finding out more, please take a look here. It's a means of support that - along with every form of support - is greatly appreciated and really does help to keep things alive.
I have a few radio appearances coming up during the weeks ahead as Stolen Bouquets comes out, so please do keep an eye out on Facebook in particular for details of those. (I ditched 'Twitter' a few weeks ago for all the reasons that you might imagine I would.)
That probably is about it for now. As you know, CDs, and more, are available from my Bandcamp Page and continue to fit into 96% of Christmas stockings... in case you were wondering. Along with the new book, badges, and individual CDs, I'll also be carrying more of The Full SP at the upcoming gigs. Offering the chance to pick up all five albums at a rather attractive price, neatly tied into a bundle by my wife's own fair hand, they've been a popular purchase this year and so will remain on the merch table for the foreseeable.
Anyway, we shall speak again soon, and I hope to see many of you over the next couple of months as well, if you're able to get along to any of the shows. In the meantime, Will & Harper hits Netflix today and I really want to watch that very, very soon. Thanks to Zarla for the recommendation and for pointing me in the direction of the trailer. Give it a watch, folks... I think it's going to be a bit special.
Thank you, all!
Steve xx
28/9: Caps Off Brewery, Bishop Auckland
26/10: The Priory Centre at New Street, St Neots
31/10: Uxbridge Folk Club, Uxbridge
1/11: Bob & Sue's Car Port, Ashburton, Devon
2/11: Pebbles Tavern, Watchet, Somerset
3/11: Private House Concert, Birmingham
24/11: Bluebell Roots, Polegate
26/11: Acoustic Roots, Eastbourne
29/11: Walton Folk, Walton-on-Thames
12/12: House Concert, Seaton Sluice (Live In The North East)